BrailleTAB logo, letter b written in Braille (dot 1 and 2), followed by letter b written in red and the word Braille written in white and the word TAB written in red.
Photo d'un piano droit noir


À compléter

BrailleTAB Technology is a registered charity which offers technological solutions and services in alternative formats for visually impaired musicians. BrailleTAB Technology offers a free access to its Braille guitar partitions library and adapted guitar classes to everyone.

Before the foundation of BrailleTAB, blind guitarists didn’t have access to Braille partitions to help them learn to play music in class or by their own. We are proud of all the work done.

The next step for BrailleTAB Technology is to extend its solutions and services to other musical instruments and to increase its online Braille partitions library for all members.



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